Remote Healing with Patricia Roche
Remote Healing - Testimonial
Astounding work!!
I was calling for help in every arena; psychologists, psychiatrists, school wellbeing counselors, doctors, family violence counselors.... One of our daughters was drug addicted, self sabotaging, suicidal and hearing voices in her head, the other using foul language, abusive, angry and violent. Life was volatile. Pat appeared in my life completely out of the blue and as it turned out was the answer to my prayers. Working remotely and with uncanny perception, she discerned what was happening in our home and worked her magic to bring peace and love back into our lives. I am profoundly grateful to Pat for her sensitive and loving approach to our dilemma, healing wounds, exorcising bad energies to allow peace and harmony to return to our lives.
- HT. Melbourne, Australia, 2018
What is Remote or Distant Healing?
Intentions like Prayers can Travel over distances, Time and Space. Basically it is directing good energy to the Person wherever he/she is.
How does it Work?
In Quantum Physics Theories, there is no time nor space as we are all connected. So Healing send over a distance is not affected by geography.
Professional Energy Workers send healing vibrations to the person who requires it without having to be there. Techniques differ. Some may use your photograph, birthdate to connect with you. Some uses Prayer and Intention sending whatever it is that the person requires - whether light, colour or specific healing and information.
How does Pat work with someone distantly?
Either directly via Phone/Zoom to take you through a mediation/Breathwork or set a time/date on which I will connect with you Energetically, muscle testing to see what is the core issue we need to deal with first & what you may need to do to assist yourself & your situation and or others.
If it's for someone else, it must Always be with a 100% permission to proceed. A Distant/remote session is booked either on a 30 minute blocking or more depending on Individual Cases
For more information, please contact 97472300 to book a complimentary chat with Patricia.
Astounding work!!
I was calling for help in every arena; psychologists, psychiatrists, school wellbeing counselors, doctors, family violence counselors.... One of our daughters was drug addicted, self sabotaging, suicidal and hearing voices in her head, the other using foul language, abusive, angry and violent. Life was volatile. Pat appeared in my life completely out of the blue and as it turned out was the answer to my prayers. Working remotely and with uncanny perception, she discerned what was happening in our home and worked her magic to bring peace and love back into our lives. I am profoundly grateful to Pat for her sensitive and loving approach to our dilemma, healing wounds, exorcising bad energies to allow peace and harmony to return to our lives.
- HT. Melbourne, Australia, 2018
What is Remote or Distant Healing?
Intentions like Prayers can Travel over distances, Time and Space. Basically it is directing good energy to the Person wherever he/she is.
How does it Work?
In Quantum Physics Theories, there is no time nor space as we are all connected. So Healing send over a distance is not affected by geography.
Professional Energy Workers send healing vibrations to the person who requires it without having to be there. Techniques differ. Some may use your photograph, birthdate to connect with you. Some uses Prayer and Intention sending whatever it is that the person requires - whether light, colour or specific healing and information.
How does Pat work with someone distantly?
Either directly via Phone/Zoom to take you through a mediation/Breathwork or set a time/date on which I will connect with you Energetically, muscle testing to see what is the core issue we need to deal with first & what you may need to do to assist yourself & your situation and or others.
If it's for someone else, it must Always be with a 100% permission to proceed. A Distant/remote session is booked either on a 30 minute blocking or more depending on Individual Cases
For more information, please contact 97472300 to book a complimentary chat with Patricia.